Saturday, July 28, 2012

Why is dog agility good for you and your dog?

Easy jump for Maddy
Scout always gives 100 percent!
 Dog agility is a fast growing sport that is great for dogs; however many people in NYC still do not know anything about dog agility.  Whenever I explain to certain people what dog agility is, they kind of respond in a way that suggests it is a waste of time that wouldn't benefit them or their dog.  Maybe they should check out our dogs in action on Sunday mornings.

Here is a list of the benefits of dog agility for dogs and their owners:

Jasper can really get up there!
1.  Exercise:  After a dog agility session, the most energetic dogs I know are exhausted.  An hour of dog agility is equal to 2-3 ours of walking.  The jumping and maneuvering required in dog agility makes dogs use muscles they usually don't use everyday.  It's also requires you to run around with your dog.  I'm sweating like I just ran a marathon after a session.

2.  Mental stimulation:  Exercise is not enough.  Dog agility makes dogs focus on tasks and maintain that focus for a full session.  This helps tire dogs out and we all know a tired dog is a good dog!
Kai is getting better every week

3.  Establishes a bond between dog and owner:  working dogs develop a relationship with their handlers like no other.  Unfortunately New Yorkers aren't sheep herders but dog agility provides an activity that requires both dog and handler to execute tasks.  A dog is only as good as it's handler in dog agility.

Molly focusing on a tough obstacle
4. Gives dogs a sense of fulfillment:  It can be boring going on the same walks everyday.  Dogs know they are being challenged when they do dog agility and you can see the sense of pride they have when they complete a tough obstacle.

The tunnel makes Casper smile
5.  It looks awesome!:  Watching the dogs jump hurdles, balance on a narrow surface and run through tunnels is impressive.  We attract a crowd every Sunday and many of the owners are proud to see what their dogs can accomplish.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Potential Dangers While Walking Your Dog.

From left to right: Mabel, Pachanga and Coco. Proud pack members of City Dog Pack!

Many New Yorkers like myself enjoy going on long walks around the city with their dog. While walking your dog can have many benefits for you and your dog, there are a few potential hazards that can harm your furry best friend. Most people look out for obvious dangers such as broken glass or street traffic, however there are a few things many people usually don't keep in mind when they are walking their dog in NYC.  Since I'm a dog walker who walks dogs 6 hours a day I've noticed many things that can hurt my dogs during their walks.  Here are a few that you should keep in mind for now on.

Light pole in NYC with exposed wire. Very dangerous for dogs!
1. Exposed wires in light poles and sidewalks.

Dog owners who have dogs who like to mark and pee on several objects during their walks should be especially mindful of this.  I once had a college professor who owned a beautiful 120 pound Cane Corso who was electrocuted while urinating on a light pole with exposed wire.  Unfortunately her dog died from this accident.  It is best to keep your dog away from all light poles and if you see one with exposed wire, contact 311 to have it fixed.
Sidewalk grate. Some dog's legs and paws can get trapped in these causing serious injury.

2. Sidewalk grates and water drains.

These are all over nyc and your dog's legs can get caught in them, causing a serious injury. Sidewalk grates have small openings that can trap the paws of the smaller dog breeds.  Some water drains that are often found along sidewalk curbs have openings large enough to trap dog's legs of any size. Keep an eye out for these and walk around them.
Cooked meat bones on an NYC sidewalk. These are also very dangerous for dogs.

3. Food trash left on the street.

This can be dangerous for dogs especially those dogs who like to scavenge for food during their walks. Some dog owners don't mind if their dog finds a piece of food in the street and most of the time it is harmless but there are foods such as cooked bones that can get caught in your dog's intestinal tract and make your dog ill and it can even be fatal. I once walked a dog who put an entire chicken bone in his mouth and in order to get it out I had to give him a hard tug on the collar to make him drop it. A nearby pedestrian saw me do this and accused me of being cruel to my dog. I explained to her why I jerked his collar the way I did and she replied; "It's just a chicken bone!". Surprisingly most people don't know cooked chicken bones are hazardous for dogs.  That chicken bone could have actually killed him.

My intent isn't for people to be on edge while walking their dogs. Dog walking should be a relaxing experience. I just want people to be aware of things that they otherwise wouldn't be aware of.  Enjoy your dog walks!

Monday, December 5, 2011

The two cutest yorkies you'll ever see

These two adorable little fur balls are Sadie and Rose. I have been walking them for almost a year now but I still cannot get over how ridiculously cute they are. Besides their teddy bear appearance they have quirky little personalities that can make anyone's heart melt. When I first began walking them, they were very nervous to walk outside and it was a challenge to get more than a block away from their building. Now we can actually enjoy long walks together, however they do like to play hide go seek when I pick them up everyday. Sadie and Rose have the power to make any tough, rugged, man crawl on the floor with them and act like a fool. They put me on their cuteness spell everyday!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

City Dog Pack's Last Agility Class of the Season

On Sunday we had our last dog agility class for the season. We started our free agility class so that the dogs and dog owners of the City Dog Pack community can meet each other and enjoy a great activity on Sunday mornings. We also wanted to give back to all the amazing dogs who make it possible for City Dog Pack to exist. According to the feedback we received the class was a huge hit and we cannot wait for next spring to begin the classes again.

In the several classes we had, we saw some dogs make dramatic improvements in dog agility. Most dogs were afraid to get near the equipment during their first class, however those same dogs gained the confidence and skill to run through the obstacles on their own. Next season our agility class will be even better with new obstacles and better equipment.

Sunday's class was kind of bitter sweet. While we had a great time, we knew it was going to be the last class of the season and we would have to wait for next spring to see some of the dog participants again. Either way it was a great class and the dogs put on a show in Saint Catherine's Park!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Our youngest pack member, Alden

Hello City dog pack community.  I will like you all to meet Alden.  Alden is a pit bull boxer mix and at about 4 and a half months he is the youngest member of City Dog Pack.  We have been walking him for a little over a month now and we must admit, it has been a challenge. Not because he is a crazy puppy, but because he is so darn cute he attracts so much attention which makes it difficult for us to walk an NYC block without someone stopping us to pet him.  Alden has a very happy go lucky and curious attitude.  He loves to walk around and socialize with any person or dog who wants to say hi.  He also loves to visit the dog park and wrestle with his City Dog Pack walking buddies.  We are exited to see him  mature into an awesome dog and we will love for him to be City Dog Pack's pit bull ambassador!

Check out this video of Alden battling the leaves of autumn.  So funny!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Ned joins the pack!

This is Ned.  He joined City Dog Pack a few weeks ago and he has been a great addition to the great dogs we walk.  He is a fun and energetic Jack Russell terrier with a big personality.  In the short amount of time he has been walking with me we have gotten to know each other very well.  He has been nervous around strangers in the past but City Dog Pack has been a good influence on him and he is getting better.  In return he has helped us.  Ned has been walking with a couple of puppies everyday and he has taken them under his wing.  We look look forward to having many more great walks with Ned and we look forward to the great progress he will make with us.

Monday, July 18, 2011

City Dog Pack's dog agility class 7/17/11

Casper and me working on the dog bridge
Soho is getting so good!
Julie getting some shade after a great performance
Riley flew by the most difficult obstacle in her first class
Molly warming up before the class
Yesterday we had another awesome dog agility class at St. Catherine's park.  Changing the time of the class to 9:00 am to 10:00 am gives us much cooler temperatures to work in, making it much more comfortable for the dogs and their owners.  It is very rewarding to see the dogs improve in the classes and to see how confident they are becoming.  Dog agility gives dogs all the benefits kids get from sports.  It provides great exercise for dogs and their owners , it builds the dog's confidence, it mentally stimulates them and it builds an amazing bond between dogs and their owners.  Every Sunday I look forward to seeing the dogs improve at the course and I look forward to seeing new dogs and their owners come and join in on the fun.  If you are looking to get your dog started on dog agility, or if you have any questions about the sport, give us a call.