Saturday, July 28, 2012

Why is dog agility good for you and your dog?

Easy jump for Maddy
Scout always gives 100 percent!
 Dog agility is a fast growing sport that is great for dogs; however many people in NYC still do not know anything about dog agility.  Whenever I explain to certain people what dog agility is, they kind of respond in a way that suggests it is a waste of time that wouldn't benefit them or their dog.  Maybe they should check out our dogs in action on Sunday mornings.

Here is a list of the benefits of dog agility for dogs and their owners:

Jasper can really get up there!
1.  Exercise:  After a dog agility session, the most energetic dogs I know are exhausted.  An hour of dog agility is equal to 2-3 ours of walking.  The jumping and maneuvering required in dog agility makes dogs use muscles they usually don't use everyday.  It's also requires you to run around with your dog.  I'm sweating like I just ran a marathon after a session.

2.  Mental stimulation:  Exercise is not enough.  Dog agility makes dogs focus on tasks and maintain that focus for a full session.  This helps tire dogs out and we all know a tired dog is a good dog!
Kai is getting better every week

3.  Establishes a bond between dog and owner:  working dogs develop a relationship with their handlers like no other.  Unfortunately New Yorkers aren't sheep herders but dog agility provides an activity that requires both dog and handler to execute tasks.  A dog is only as good as it's handler in dog agility.

Molly focusing on a tough obstacle
4. Gives dogs a sense of fulfillment:  It can be boring going on the same walks everyday.  Dogs know they are being challenged when they do dog agility and you can see the sense of pride they have when they complete a tough obstacle.

The tunnel makes Casper smile
5.  It looks awesome!:  Watching the dogs jump hurdles, balance on a narrow surface and run through tunnels is impressive.  We attract a crowd every Sunday and many of the owners are proud to see what their dogs can accomplish.