Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mr. Bear the Wheaten Terrier

This is Mr. Bear.  He is a 1 and a half year old Wheaten Terrier.  I have been walking and training Bear since he was about 6 months.  He is the most athletic member of City Dog Pack and he is very smart.  He is also the goofiest member we have.  Every day I walk him he does something that makes me laugh.  Many mornings when I show up to walk him, he greets me with one of his owner's shoes (he never brings the same shoe two days in a row, very funny).  Bear and I have developed a true bond with each other within the year we have spent together.  He sometimes even anticipates what I want him to do before I even tell him.  I love all of the dogs I work with but Bear and I have a connection that usually only occurs between dog and owner.  I am proud to have him with us.

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