Thursday, June 2, 2011

Mr. Linc the Yorkshire Terrier

This is Mr. Linc.  He is a four year old Yorkie and he has been a member of City Dog Pack for almost a year now.  When most people think of Yorkies they think of a high maintenance prissy dog but don't mistake Linc with one of those.  He is very masculine, tough and rugged.  Linc likes to go on easy strolls to Carl Schurz Park so that he can check out the cute girl dogs hanging out at the small dog park.  When I first met Linc he was not very social with other dogs and he was a bit lazy but now he's getting along better with other dogs and he enjoys going on longer walks.  When we had our first dog agility class I was shocked with Linc's performance.  I thought he was going to be content with watching other dogs run the course but he immediately put on a show.  He was jumping hurdles and loops, running through tunnels, climbing bridges and he even pulled a weighted cart!  Considering his usual mellow demeanor, his owners and I were surprised with his energetic outburst.  In this picture he is laughing because he just chased off a Pitbull. 

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