Sunday, June 26, 2011

Kona's first training session with City Dog Pack

This is Kona. She is a beautiful 9 month old beagle pointer mix with lots of energy and lots of personality.  She had her first training session with me on Friday and she did exceptionally well.  Her owners called me because while they were doing a good job training her on there own, they needed help maintaining her focus and she had anxiety issues with elevators.  During her first training session we went over leash etiquette and the sit and down commands.  Kona's great performance during her first training session was a reflection of her owners.  They did a great job taking in the information I was teaching them and their timing was spot on.  Kona learned the sit and down commands in 5 minutes and after doing some leash etiquette exercises for about a half hour, she was able to walk by her owners without lunging.  We also did some desensitizing with the elevator and her issues are nearly gone.  We will be teaching her the stay command next.  Stay tuned to follow Kona's progress!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for making Kona famous!

    Miguel helped us to understand that in order to train a dog, the owner(s) must be disciplined and consistent in their training style.

    Once everyone (including the dog) is on the same page, the training is MUCH easier.

    Thanks for all your help Miguel!
