Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The importance of positive and negative reinforcement in dog training

There are two general methods in regards to dog training; positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement.  Many people have incorrect understandings of what exactly these methods mean.  Just to clarify, positive reinforcement involves rewarding the dog with food or toy rewards and praise, while negative reinforcement involves removing positive rewards, verbal reprimands and physical corrections, such as a tug on the leash or stimulation from a remote collar.  Many dog trainers choose to use one method exclusively, however the best dog trainers have knowledge and use both positive and negative reinforcement.  Positive reinforcement is the best method for teaching a dog new behaviors and it's a great way to communicate with a dog to let them know that what they are currently doing is exactly what you want them to do.  Trainers who are completely against positive reinforcement argue that it is bribery and not training.  If used correctly, positive reinforcement is not at all bribery but a great way to establish a bond of trust between you and your dog.  However, positive reinforcement alone can result in a shallow relationship between you and your dog where your dog will only respond to you if you will give them a treat or a toy and if used alone, it is incomplete training.  Positive reinforcement alone is incomplete training because without negative reinforcement you can not have assurance that your dog will listen to you in any situation.  For example if your dog chases a cat out into the street, the reward of catching the cat is possibly more valuable to your dog than any food or toy reward you can offer.  Sometimes there is no way positive reinforcement can stop or improve unwanted behavior.  This is where negative reinforcement comes in.  Negative reinforcement is the best method for correcting unwanted behavior and it communicates to your dog that disobeying you or behaving badly
has its consequences.  Trainers who oppose negative reinforcement argue that it is abuse.  If used correctly it is not abuse, it develops a bond of respect between you and your dog and it provides leadership for your dog.  Many people criticize negative reinforcement because of all of the bad information that is put out on this topic.  Many popular dog supply retailers and dog service companies put out this inaccurate information because it is politically correct and it is easier to not explain how negative reinforcement can be beneficial for your dog.  Used alone, negative reinforcement can be abuse and it can make your dog not respect you but fear you.  Many trainers use only negative reinforcement because it can have quick results but it is unfair to give a dog a physical correction when it genuinely does not know what you want it to do.  My assistant dog trainers and I never give a dog a physical correction unless we are 100% certain that the dog knows a particular command.  This is why we use positive reinforcement to teach the commands first, then we make sure that the dog will respond to these commands using negative reinforcement if needed.  Some dogs actually do not need any negative reinforcement because they are willing to respond in any situation, however this is very rare.  If you plan on using negative reinforcement to train your dog it is imperative that you contact a dog training and behavior professional (like myself) because if used incorrectly it can do more harm than good.  If you have questions regarding this topic, call us and we will help you have a better understanding of both positive and negative reinforcement training.         

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderfully informative article! Thanks Miguel
